Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hawks Begin Pre-Draft Workouts, May 18

  • Hawks General Manager Billy Knight
    Knight Knight
    "When you’re looking at draft prospects, you’re trying to look into the future, you’re trying to see what they’re going to become. You’re not necessarily thinking what they are right now, you’re thinking about what they might turn into. Some of these guys are playing positions in college that we’re not going to ask them to play. They are going to crossover one position, sometimes two at the next level. You have to see if there some skills there, some focus in picking up on things the coaches ask them to do."
    "It helps that we get to interview them, talk to them…maybe go out to lunch. That allows us to get to know them a little. It’s a process you have to through to learn more and more information. Everything is cumulative process, so if we can accumulate as much information as possible, we can make an informed decision."
    "The guys did a good job today in a lot of different ways. It’s a tough process because you’re out there with only a couple other guys and you’re asked to go over a lot of things. There’s quite a few different drills we ask them to do, shooting the ball, handling the ball and a lot of other things. So it can be a tough process on them. It can be pressure-packed. I appreciate the work they put in today."

  • Michael Haynes
    Haynes Haynes
    (On workout performance):
    “For the most part, I didn’t think it was that bad. I think it went pretty good. I would rate my performance as a four out of ten. I haven’t been able to move that well because I sprained my ankle yesterday. It was kind of stiff so I couldn’t move that well.”
    (Other team workouts and draft prospects):
    “Coming up, I have three more teams to work out for. I have Memphis, Washington and San Antonio. I don’t really know what is going to happen as far as the draft. I have to wait for camp to see what happens. I think that I have a pretty good chance, so I will just have to wait and see what happens.”

  • Herve Lamizana
    Lamizana Lamizana
    (On workout performance):
    “The workout went pretty good. I think I did well on everything I was expected to do. I’m not going to really worry about it. I would rate myself a seven or eight out of ten.”
    (Other team workouts):
    “I’m working out for the Wizards. I already worked out with Sacramento. I have to work out with Chicago, Seattle and almost every team in the NBA. This workout was much harder than Sacramento’s workout. If I don’t get hurt, I think my chances are 90%. I would even say they are 99%.”
    (On individual game):
    “I have been compared to Tracy McGrady and Scottie Pippen the most. That is what everbody tells me.”

  • James Moore
    Moore Moore
    How did your workout go today?
    "I think it started off real good, being my first workout. Then I moved from a 4 (power forward) to a 3 (small forward), so I think I did pretty well. I’m was pretty exhausted at the end; I can’t lie about that."
    How many other teams are you scheduled to workout for?
    "I just found out yesterday that I’ve got another one with the Wizards next Friday. That’s the only other one so far."
    What do you feel you need to improve upon between workouts?
    "I know if I get in better shape as a 3 (small forward), in that position, I’ll be all right. I know I can do the drills; I just need to be in shape."
    What are your expectations for your potential draft position?
    "I’m pretty optimistic about it. It’s a once in a lifetime chance to get into the league, so I just hope things work out to the best and just leave things on God’s hands."
    Do you have an alternative plan if you are not drafted?
    "I don’t know as of right now, but hopefully I’ll continue to play ball. I love to play, so I just hope things will work out for the best."

  • Damir Omerhodzic
    Omerhodzic Omerhodzic
    How did today's workout go?
    "It was hard but I liked it. They worked us very hard."
    How was the competition at today's workout?
    "The guys were really good. It was nice to play against that type of competition."
    Have you worked out for any other teams yet?
    "I've worked out for Miami, San Antonio and yesterday in Boston. They were pretty much the same. I'm enjoying all of them."
    How do you feel about your prospects for the draft?
    "I don't know yet. It's too early to say. You just never know."

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