Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pre-Draft Workout, June 1

Josh Childress
On the workout:
“This was my second one. It was a tough workout, but it was good. Today was structured differently, the first one I was by myself. They brought in some good guys and I’m just happy to be a part of it.”
On his upcoming schedule:
“I travel to Cleveland then to Washington next, that’s it for this week. Monday I have Philadelphia.”
On Mike Montgomery being named Golden State’s new head coach:
“I was a bit shocked. I’m happy for him, it sounds like a good situation. Stanford brought in an excellent coach to replace him, in Trent Johnson. It’s going to be fun to get a chance to see him (Montgomery) next year and hopefully we’re both successful.”
On his preparation for the workouts:
“I’m in pretty good shape. You can always improve and I realize that. There’s definitely some things I need to work on but I’m feeling pretty positive about the whole situation.”

Mouton Mouton
Brandon Mouton
On the workout:
“This was my first trip to workout with a team. I thought it went pretty well. Since it was my first, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Coming out and competing against these guys was good. It was a good experience.”
On his upcoming schedule:
Right now I’m about to catch a flight out to Boston to workout with the Celtics. Then, as we all know, the Chicago (NBA Pre-Draft Camp) camp is coming up in a few days. I won’t be attending but after that week I’m planning on having a pretty busy schedule. I’ll be working out for a lot of teams.
On his performance today:
“It wasn’t my best by far. I struggled a little bit shooting the ball at first, but as we progressed I started to feel loose and play my game.”
Matthews Matthews
Bryant Matthews
On the workout:
“It went well. Everybody tried hard and hustled, it was a great workout. Personally, I always do as well as I can. I wanted to show them I bring energy, hustle and determination.”
On previous workouts:
“I’ve been running around all over the place. This is something like my seventh or eighth workout already. Today was a little different than others but not a lot. They teach and talk to us. They want to see who’s going to get after it, as well as who’s the best athlete, person and player.”
On his style of play:
“I’d say I’m versatile and a stat stuffer. I try to do a little bit of everything … steals, blocks, I try to do it all. I’m a hustle and energy guy. My game resembles a lot of different players – Dennis Rodman with the energy and defense. Also multi-dimensional guys like Joe Dumars, Scottie Pippen and Grant Hill.”
Smith Smith
Josh Smith
On the workout:
“I think I did very well. I was competing with some real good athletes from the college level and I think I played well against them. They have more experience than me but I played as hard as I could, so I don’t think age really mattered.”
On his workout schedule:
Actually, this was my first one. I have a bunch more coming up so it’s about to get pretty hectic for me.
On his style of play:
“I think bring athleticism and excitement."

  • Workout Recaps:
    May 18: Michael Haynes, Herve Lamizana, James Moore, Damir Omerhodzic
    May 20: Terrence Hill, Royal Ivey, Lamont McIntosh, Rashad Wright
    May 22: Rafael Araujo, Kyle Davis, Chris Garnett, David Harrison
    May 25: Luke Jackson, RIcky Minard, J.R. Smith, Kirk Snyder
    May 28: Marcus Douthit, Scott Emerson, Marco Killingsworth, Nate Williams

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