Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pre-Draft Workout, May 20

  • Hawks General Manager Billy Knight: (On what is being looked for during the workouts)
    "Most of the time when we bring players in, we’re asking them to do things that they may not have been asked to do before. A lot of times we’re asking them to crossover positions, sometimes two positions. A guy that maybe was forward or shooting guard previously, we might ask them to be a point guard for us, because we want that kind of size and shooting ability at the point guard position. You want to see of these guys have the skills and ability to be able to do that to some degree. We’re looking for someone we can work with. We want to see their actual heights and measurements true to form. Then we do the interview process, sit down and talk to them. We like to talk them in a relaxed atmosphere, so we take them to lunch or something. Somewhere where they feel comfortable. You get to talk them on a personal level, you can talk pointedly about particulars."
    (On today’s workout featuring three players with Georgia ties)
    "Really, you work these guys out when you get a chance. There were some others who were supposed to be here today on top of these guys. There were two other players, who aren’t local, that couldn’t make it, just worked out that way. The thing is though, the guys we had in today play similar positions. You try to match up the size, skill set and mentality of what you’re looking at that particular day. Saturday we’re going to work out big people. It just depends on the day and it just so happens that a lot of the local guys play similar positions."
    (On the workout)
    "You see different things with different guys. Some maybe didn’t shoot the ball well today but you just don’t look at one day. You look at their career stats and a number of different things to get an accurate gage on their different abilities. Scouting is a cumulative process. You accumulate as much information as you can and try to make an informed decision at the end. We try to gather as much information about the players in every aspect – on the court, off the court, everything we can think of. We’re checking out everything. It’s an evaluation process. I tell them they’re being evaluated the entire time they are here. Certainly we watch everything they’re doing, whether it be at lunch or on the court, everything is an evaluation."

    Hill Hill

  • Terrence Hill: Would you be overjoyed to be able to play close to your hometown as an NBA player?
    "If I got the chance to play here, it would be very exciting. There would be a lot of excitement for Kennesaw as well as Atlanta."
    What are some of the things you're trying to show the Hawks at these workouts?
    "My ability to shoot, my ability to get to the hole. I didn't do as good a job of getting to the hole today. But I did show an example of how I can get to the hole. I think I showed my quick first step."
    How confident are you about your chances on the next level?
    "I'm pretty confident. I'm not settling for anything less. You always have to set high goals, so why settle for less? I haven't even though about 'what if I don't make it'. I'm settling for nothing but the top."
    Who do you compare your game to in the NBA?
    "I’m similar to Jason Terry and Tracy McGrady. That’s who I admire, so I try to play like they do most of the time."

    Evey Ivey

  • Royal Ivey:“I think it went well. It was very intense and we were all really into it. My performance was probably a seven out of ten. My shooting went well, and I think I did good on the one-on-one play. I was intense throughout the whole workout.”
    (Other team workouts)
    “I have a couple more team workouts coming up. I have Houston, Detroit, Milwaukee and a few other teams. So I will be traveling from here on out.”
    (Draft prospects)
    “Hopefully, people will take a second look at me and give me a chance. I’m only asking for a chance to come to camp and prove myself. That is really all I can ask for.”
    (On individual game)
    “I would compare myself to Eric Snow or Kevin Ollie. They are all about defense first, hitting the open shot, passing the ball and competing hard.”

    McIntosh McIntosh

  • Lamont McIntosh: (On workout performance)
    “This is a new level that I’m trying to get to. I just tried to come out here to give my best performance and just play hard and compete with all of the guys that were out here. I think I did pretty good, but there were some things I could have improved on.”
    (On feelings about playing in hometown)
    “I thought about guys who have played here like Dion Glover who did a lot here locally. I think there is a good franchise here with the new management. The future is bright here for the Atlanta Hawks. I’m just glad that I had the opportunity to come work out for them.”

    Wright Wright

  • Rashad Wright: How did it go today?
    "I try to do my best every time I step out on the court. I tihink I did a real good job today."
    The is the first step in what could be a real dream for you, playing in the NBA?
    "It's something I've wanted to do since I was a little kid. It's a step forward from college. And I'm just going to work hard and do my best."
    Do you have any other workouts planned?
    "I have to go to Portland and L.A. (next). This is my sixth workout, and it's been going real well for me. I've worked real hard." What have you heard as far as where you would go (in the draft)?
    "I haven't really been talking too much about it. I've just been trying to let my workouts show my abilities. Further down the road, I'll start listening (to that stuff)."
    What do you try to do to impress these guys, that you do better than anyone else?
    "I just work hard at every drill they throw at me. I just try to do my best, and show them what I'm capable of doing."

  • Workout Recaps:

    May 18: Michael Haynes, Herve Lamizana, James Moore, Damir Omerhodzic

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