Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Knight Discusses Draft at Media Availability

"Obviously, we're in talks with other teams that could result in us changing our position. But if not, I can't say that it's likely...but it could happen. But these things go on and on. Sometimes they don't work out. It takes two to tango in this. We'd like to do it, but you have to get everybody on the same page. If we don't do something, we think we're still going to find a decent player at the number six pick and the number 17 pick. We think we can find a player or players that can help us in our long-term plans at those two picks."
"When you pick somebody at six or seventeen, you have a three-year commitment at a minimum to those guys. So you have to feel comfortable and like those guys. Seventeen is really interesting. We think (at six) there are enough good players in the draft, you're obviously waiting to see what the top five teams will do, but it could be somebody that you really like. It still could be somebody we like that another team is looking at differently."
"We do think there could be players at seventeen that we'd be comfortable taking and having a three-year commitment with. No matter how you look at it, we have our board of players we like and guys we hope we can take. And another team's going to like players that we don't. So nwe certainly think some players we like are going to be at seventeen. We're still optimistic that we can find some players that can help us. Immediate help or not, I'm not sure about that."
"There are possibilities even behind where we pick. You all know we also have number 34, 37 and 42. There are also possibilities of things happening with those. A good example is, if we think we can get a first-round pick, we may trade two of those second-round picks. We could do that if we feel comfortable with the guy we're going to take. We also have two second-round picks next year. We've done some talking about those kind of things. We also have a future first (round pick) from Philly. So there are all kinds of combinations thereof that we're talking about without our present picks being involved."
"As most of you know, I think this team needs more talent. We need more players. If you look at our roster as we do every day, we have five players under contract. Everyone is always looking for big people. It's like King Kong says, 'size does matter' in this business. And we're looking for that too."
"There are a lot of things we can do because this is a process we're going through. It would be advantageous if we all understood what we're trying to do. And that's build the team. It takes players, and those players become your assets. No matter what happens or who is going to be the coach, you need players to play the game. That's how we're looking at the draft. We're doing a lot of things, trying to be creative, and add some players to the roster that we think can help us."
"We've had a lot of players in for workouts. We've had some players in today, we'll have some players in tomorrow, some Wednesday and some maybe even on draft day. We've had between 50 and 60 people. We look at things maybe a little different from other people. We'd like our people to have size at their positions. We'd like them to be athletic. We'd like them to be versatile, to be able to play more than one position on the floor. Those are the things that we generally look for. And we look at taking the best player we can find, regardless of position."
Where does the coaching search stand?
"The process is ongoing. We don't have a new coach yet. I can't say that there's a specific time frame. It doesn't look like we're going to have a coach for the draft. I feel comfortable that we'll get a good candidate with the pool of people that we're choosing from. I can't tell you when that's going to happen. Ideally, you'd like to have the guy for the draft. You'd ideally like him involved in the process where you give him tape of five or six guys to watch. It hasn't worked out that way for us."

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