Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pre-Draft Workout, May 22

Rafael Araujo
How did today's workout go?
"I went against four solid post players, some really good competition. I did well. I think I did a good job, like I've done for other teams. Show up, play hard in the low post, shot the ball well, and did what I've been doing all summer."
How many workouts have you had? How did this one compare?
"I've had six workouts. This one was pretty similar to the others, just changing some little stuff. It seems like each one, they add another thing." What do you think sets you apart from some of the other big guys in this draft?
"I really play a physical low-post game. I think I'm a pretty good-percentage shooter. From certain spots, I think I shoot it really well. That's one thing I've worked really hard on this summer, to make a better percentage."
Any current NBA players you can compare your game to?
"I see a lot of the young big guys who come into the league, and try to improve their games every day. It's tough to compare yet, because the league is such a different game from college. I think I need to wait to see my game in the NBA."

Davis Davis
Kyle Davis
How did the workout go for you today?
"I thought it went great for me. They matched me up against some good big guys. It just helps me to get ready for the next level, going up against guys bigger than me."
Any other workouts scheduled right now?
"I've got about six or seven more scheduled right now...Seattle, Houston, Phoenix and San Antonio. I'm just going to use what I did today going into those other workouts, and play hard."
What's the skill that sets you apart from others in this draft?
"More athletic ability, and I'm a good shot blocker off the ball. On the ball, I have a tendency to foul. But I'm a good help-side defender."
Anyone in the league right now that you pattern your game after, or liken your game to?
"A lot of guys have called me a miniature Theo Ratliff. He's a great shot blocker who likes to come from off the ball. That's what people have been telling me all my life, that I have the same makeup, just same-type player as him."

Harrison Harrison
David Harrison
How did the workout go today?
"I think it went pretty well. I went out there and played hard and did the best I could, and that's all I can do."
How was the competition today?
"It was great competition. Everyone here is a good competitor, so it was a good day."
What do you see in your future, as far as draft position?
"No idea. Hopefully (with the workouts) I'm moving up."
Anyone in the NBA you liken your game to?
"Not really. Everyone my size wants to play like Shaq or Duncan. So I'd have to say I'd like to play like one of those two."

  • Workout Recaps:
    May 18: Michael Haynes, Herve Lamizana, James Moore, Damir Omerhodzic
    May 20: Terrence Hill, Royal Ivey, Lamont McIntosh, Rashad Wright

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