Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pre-Draft Workout, June 3

Tony Allen
On the workout:
“It was what I expected, it was pretty intense. We had perimeter guys out there getting after it. I just wanted to bring a lot of aggressiveness and defense, and use my strengths.”
On his other workouts:
“This is like my eleventh one, with not much stopping in-between. I’ve been to the Bulls and Celtics, up to Seattle, numerous teams. This was my last one before the (NBA) Pre-Draft Camp. I don’t know yet if I’m going to play up there. I have to evaluate everything with my agent and we’ll go from there. I’m ready to go, ready to work hard.”
On his style of play:
“Raw and aggressive. I’d say I play a little Michael Finley. A lot of people say Dwyane Wade, Finley, guys like that.”

Sato Sato
Romain Sato
On the workout:
“It went good out there, everything was fine. We were all working hard. It’s all kind of the same everywhere you visit, the same process. You run a lot, play one-on-one, two-on-two … they want to see what you can do.” On his other workouts:
“I’ve been working out a lot, this is my ninth one. I’ve visited teams like Phoenix, the Wizards, Boston, pretty much everywhere”
On his style of play:
“Hustle and defense, that’s what I want to bring to the team. I just want to help the team win, do a little bit of everything to help out. I don’t know who I could compare myself to in the NBA, I just try to work hard and play tough. Maybe Ron Artest because of the way he plays defense, or someone like Michael Finley or Ray Allen because they do the little things that help the team win.”

Wright Wright
Dorrell Wright
On the workout:
“Everything went well, it was a great workout. I had the chance to get out there against some college players, the first time I’ve worked with three college guys. It was a good experience. Everything was what I thought it was going to be, it was good.” On his other workouts:
“Today was my third, I’ve also been to New Orleans and Boston. Things have been just about the same at each so far.”
On his style of play:
“I’m athletic, I like to run the floor a lot. I like to get up there and finish at the rim. I don’t think my style resembles any one player. There are so many great players in the NBA, it’s hard to pick one. I’ll let everyone else compare my game to others, I just go out there and play.”

Ariza Ariza
Trevor Ariza
On the workout:
“It was good, just like the rest of them I’ve been too. Basically what I thought it would be. It was quite competitive.” On his other workouts:
“This was something like my ninth workout. Some of the others were New Jersey, New Orleans, L.A., I’ve been to Miami twice. I’m traveling all over it seems.”
On his style of play:
“I’m guy that just wants to help out. I see the floor well, which is probably the strongest aspect of my game. I try to take a little bit of something from everyone in the league. I watch everybody because anyone in the NBA is a great player. I try to take something from each one I see. Hopefully one day I’ll be one of those guys.

  • Workout Recaps:
    May 18: Michael Haynes, Herve Lamizana, James Moore, Damir Omerhodzic
    May 20: Terrence Hill, Royal Ivey, Lamont McIntosh, Rashad Wright
    May 22: Rafael Araujo, Kyle Davis, Chris Garnett, David Harrison
    May 25: Luke Jackson, RIcky Minard, J.R. Smith, Kirk Snyder
    May 28: Marcus Douthit, Scott Emerson, Marco Killingsworth, Nate Williams
    June 1: Josh Childress, Brandon Mouton, Bryant Matthews, Josh Smith
    June 2: Brandon Bass, Al Jefferson, Anderson Varejao, Peja Samardziski

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